
week1-day1: 3mi.

today was the official first day of the marathon training program that i'll be following for the next 16 weeks. it was a short run of 3 miles.

i guess i should mention two things: 1)the most i've ever ran at once is 5mi and 2) i'm a very slow runner...like
12min mile is the fastest i can go....with effort (see? slow like molasses.) but whatever, right now i'm only    worrying about getting more mileage in. the other thing is that i've only ran outside twice before today (so far the  treadmill had been my top choice for running) and today was the first time i ran without music, which i was really scared about but it wasn't bad at all.

it was really nice out so that was a plus. i guess i must have been way too excited because i did the first mile a bit under 9min effortlessly but then of course i got really tired and it took me forever to complete the other two, so it took me a total of 43min18sec...yeah, that's too slow even for me! but i never stopped to walk and the husband/coach says that's a common rooky mistake. so i guess i'll be learning a whole bunch of stuff along the way.

tomorrow: 4mi.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    how exciting... your first day :) we're all so proud of what you've accomplished so far and we look forward to the marathon medal and the goody-bag! mpp
