
week1-day4: 5mi.

this morning i went out pretty early because there was no other time i could do it but also because it's getting pretty warm these days. it was nice and cool, around 59-60 F at the time. i did ok overall but i'd be lying if i told you i didn't struggle...maybe not struggle in the sense that i had to fight the urge to stop because even when my legs felt like lead i just had the certainty that i wouldn't stop until i reached the 5mi. but it was hard. i had to go through an underpass, on my way out was downhill but on my way back was uphill and it felt so steep, even the slight irregularities on the road, itty bitty slopes that i wouldn't normally feel that much were taxing on my legs and a bit on my heart rate. but i did it! and i enjoyed it so much! the path where i run runs alongside a canal and you can go towards one side which is not that nice (where i went running on the rainy day) or you can go to the other side that is gorgeous, beautiful scenery, nice foliage everywhere, marshes, beautiful fancy houses and so peaceful and bright.

so here's a confession: i have been a little bummed about how long it is taking me to do my runs because my times are shorter on the treadmill for the same distances. part of it is a little bit of fear, especially in a slightly longer run like today's because i'm terrified of running out of fuel, or feeling weak and jittery or light headed or passing out... all things that have happened to me before (except for the passing out) and are the most unpleasant experiences ever. i'm being very careful with having enough calories and water in me before i go out, so so far so good, plus i have to start trusting my body more. so i decided that worrying about my time is stupid! i mean come on, i'm running 5mi!  yeay me and yeay for my legs and my body that carry me through! so who cares if it takes me hours and hours and hours? i'm doing it!!!!

my time today was 1hr9min44sec or 13min56sec/mi.

with this run i conclude my first week of training, one down, fifteen to go. 

total mi for the wk: 15  total overall: 15

tomorrow: weekly weigh in at ww

ps: this blog needs some images asap!

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